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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Telephone Sex

Telephones and sex. No, I'm not talking about saying naughty things to your boo or sending pictures of yourself in your underwear. Instead, it's been found that the type of telephone you use conveys what kind of sex life you're having.

Did you realize that Apple iPhone users have more sex than other smartphone users? But single people who have Android phones have more orgasms - they climax 90% of the time.

These findings are the result of's survey, Singles in America, conducted last November by ResearchNow. The study surveyed men and women all across the country from 18 to over 70 years old.

Where do Blackberry users fit in the mix? They have more orgasms than iPhone users and just a bit less than Androids. A 2012 survey found that Apple customers go on more first dates than other smartphone customers. And singles with smartphones of any kind went out on more dates than folks with regular cell phones.

Who would've thought a smartphone could be an aphrodisiac? 


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