Are you concerned about marriage, courtship, divorce, dating and living single? Of course you are because you read and responded to "Marriage is for White People." This newsletter features information of interest regarding male-female relationships.
March for Money by Joy Jones Finance can enhance romance. I'm sure that comes as no surprise to anyone.
Money Management International's 2011 Love & Money Survey found that 89% of married couples whose household incomes were $50,000 or better reported that they were happily married. In contrast, among couples whose incomes were lower than that, only 79% reported being happy. And more telling, among unhappily married couples, money problems are what they identified as the cause of their troubles.
So what's the answer? Manage your money. And March is a good month for money. What makes March good for money? Everything - because every month - every day - is good for money. So why don't you have more of it? I discuss the missing ingredient in my guest blog column on FreeBlackSpace a blog on cutting edge ideas in the community. Check it out at
Building Family: A Moderated Conversation Join Us! Come to a compelling and provocative conversation on the influence and importance of a father's presence - or absence - in the family. Experts and advocates will be part of a panel discussion - Frank Love, host of Frank Relationships Radio Show, Tony Lewis, Jr., author of Slugg: A Boy's Life in the Age of Mass Incarceration and Brittany Adams, art therapist and family advocate. The conversation will be moderated by Brother Yao, Assistant Professor at Bowie State University and co-founder of Karibu Books.
The program grows out of the work of Jonetta Rose Barras, author of Whatever Happened To Daddy's Little Girl?: The Impact of Fatherlessness on Black Women.
Save the Date: Saturday, June 11, 2016, from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the Francis Gregory Library, 3660 Alabama Ave. SE,Washington, DC 20020. It's FREE and is sponsored by Esther Productions.
For details, contact Jonetta Rose Barras at
The Spoken Word is a non-profit organization dedicated to using the arts and culture to address issues in the community. Visit us at